
Complimentary Viewing of Our Online Arabic Courses

Complimentary viewing is provided ONLY to educators, schools, organizations, libraries, and
institutions, referred to herein as Language Service Providers (LSP).
- The Complimentary viewing is valid for one day.
- The temporary Password and the Username will be activated.
- The activation date is designated by the viewer.
- The course is for the personal viewing of the LSP for the purpose of evaluation. Providing the Username and the Password for a third party constitutes a breach of this agreement.
- The material of this course is protected by the copyright regulation. The LSP can print the content for personal use. Distributing the material to others is a violation of this agreement.
- The Service Provider (Middle East International Services-Dalilusa.com) is committed to maintain the site, keep the Arabic Course functional, and maintain the monthly office hours for participants.
- Confirming the acceptance of these terms is an actual signing of a contract.
Any breach to this agreement will be handled through appropriate legal channels.
To request complimentary reviewing, please:
- Send us an-email confirming your institution. (e-mail addresses which do not mention the name of the institution will not be honored).
- Send us User Name and Password of your own.
- Indicate the date you wish to have the course activated.
Commerce Higher education Language Services Resource Center Almusaafer Arabic Course
Contact Us
Phone (206) 295-4784
West University Center 4500 Ninth Avenue NE Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98105 USA

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