How to use the course:
Click on the links to the left to review
each lesson. After reviewing the lessons, you can test the mastery
of your skills by clicking on the exercise links to the right.
Supported Web Browsers
Due to Arabic characters and sound file integration, these courses
are supported by Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher or Mozilla FireFox 3.0 and higher. If you do not have these web browsers, you may download
them for free at Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
to sound files:
The sound files use Adobe Flash.
If you do not have this media player, you may download it for free by clicking the following image:

Each lesson contains a large amount of content, including Arabic
characters and sound files. Loading of the lessons may take longer
than a normal web page. Please be patient while waiting for the
lesson pages to load. If you have a broadband connection, you may
not notice the wait.