Equivalent (431/ 441/ 451)
Colloquial Arabic is the form of language used in daily communication between
common people. Although its root is classical Arabic, it was simplified for
easy daily use. Some non-Arabic words were infiltrated into colloquial Arabic
due to geographical location, external cultural and linguistic influences.
Since Classical Arabic requires full understanding of the
word and its diacritics by adopting vowel-units, students must learn Arabic
grammar and apply it in these vowel-units. Colloquial Arabic is free of these
characteristics and the case ending is unnecessary.
Most US schools teach Classical Arabic separate from
Colloquial. Most Colloquial instruction comes in a transliterated format
(written in Roman letters, pronounced in Arabic). This method usually requires
students to learn additional Alphabets that correspond to those Arabic letters
not found in English. Also it requires memorization of words, phrases and
sentences and will be restricted to the dialect being taught.
method of teaching Colloquial Arabic is an innovative online method that
encompasses both Classical and Colloquial.
There are several Arabic dialects spoken in different
regions of the Arab world that have more in common than being different. In
applying the Classical framework of Arabic instruction, we can formalize these
different dialects into a more common dialect that is unique and adaptable.
To attend this Colloquial Course, a student must complete
the Classical Arabic Course 430/440/450 or equivalent first and familiarize
themselves with vocabulary, grammar, word derivation, and structure of
The Arabic course will be designed to incorporate five
different Arabic dialects. Native speakers of each dialect will design the
course and record the sound track in their native dialect. A subscription to
this Colloquial Arabic course gives you access to Arabic lessons in one dialect
of your choice.
The Four Dialects are:
A. Eastern - The
Dialect of Greater Syria: Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan.
B. Gulf - The
Dialect of the Arabian Peninsula, with a focus on Saudi Arabia.
C. Egyptian - The
Dialect of Egypt.
D. North African -
The Dialect of North Africa, with a focus on Morocco.
18 Lessons – conversational, written in
Arabic with a voice track in one dialect of your choice.
Exercises and Practices with each lesson. Changing gender, number, and tense.
Word derivation from classical Arabic. Comparison with Classical Arabic.
Learning different ways of speaking Colloquial in different regions.
Standard Colloquial, which will be understood in every region.
Telephone Office Hour with our instructors.
E-mail capability with our staff.
DURATION: The Duration of this course is 20 weeks.
COST: click here for current price
It includes 18 Conversational Lessons in one Arabic dialect of your choice with
grammatical and structural analyses, exercises & practices, voice track, and a telephone prearranged office-hour.
Course Extension: The 20 weeks can be extended for students, who need more
time to finish this course at $50.00/ month (4 weeks). Under special circumstances, we may provide an extension at no charge.
Course Packaged: It includes 18 Conversational Lessons with grammar and structural analyses, exercises & Practices in a binder together with a CD. click here for current price
Optional Audio CD ALONE: Students who would like a CD of the audio portion of the Colloquial course can purchase it in addition to the online Colloquial course. click here for current price

Since the Standard Classical Arabic Course (32 session-course) is a pre requisite for the
Colloquial Arabic Course (unless applicants have previous study in Standard Classical Arabic), the two courses are offered at a reduced cost. click here for current price

18 Colloquial
Arabic Lessons & Lesson Supports
How to use the course:
Choose Your Regional Arabic Dialect
The Arabic language is spoken in four major regional dialects. You
can learn Arabic online in a specific dialect. One subscription to
this course will give you access to one Arabic dialect of your choice.
These dialects are:
- Eastern Dialect - Greater Syrian Dialect, Eastern Arabic or Levantine Arabic. It covers Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and to some extent Iraq.
- Egyptian Dialect - covers Egypt.
- Gulf Dialect - Arabian Peninsula Arabic: covers all Gulf states.
- North African Dialect - covers Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.
Click the button on the map that corresponds with
the region of your interest.
After choosing your Arabic dialect, click
on the links to the left to review each lesson. After reviewing the
lessons, you can test the mastery of your skills by clicking on the
exercise links to the right.
Supported Web Browsers
Due to Arabic characters and sound file integration, these courses
are supported by Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher or Mozilla FireFox 3.0 and higher. If you do not have these web browsers, you may download
them for free at Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
to sound files:
The sound files use Adobe Flash.
If you do not have this media player, you may download it for free by clicking the following image:

Since we have provided you with extensive Arabic voice recordings,
please allow extra time for the sound files to download.
Each lesson contains a large amount of content, including Arabic characters
and sound files. Loading of the lessons may take longer than a normal
web page. Please be patient while waiting for the lesson pages to
load. If you have a broadband connection, you may not notice the wait.
Commerce Higher education Language Services Resource Center Almusaafer Arabic Course
Contact Us
Phone (206) 295-4784
West University Center 4500 Ninth Avenue NE Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98105 USA

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