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 Egypt by Taxi

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Getting Around

Taxis are the fastest way to travel within a city, as well as going from city to city.

Most taxis are black and white, found waiting at nearly all hotels, train stations, the airport, etc. Prices will be cheaper if you find a taxi in the street rather than at obvious tourist locations. Though many of the taxis have meters, most are not in operation. It is important to fix a price before leaving in a taxi. All prices are negotiable. If you are uncertain what price to pay, be sure to ask someone at the front desk of your hotel.

You may also find "transit taxis" with a few passengers. It is advisable to ask the driver if you can be dropped at a particular location. It is the cheapest way to get around, similar to a bus fare.

You may also hire a taxi with a driver. These taxis normally park in front of the hotel with no taxi marking on them.

Between cities, you will generally have to be a group of 6 to 7 people (or until the vehicle is full) before the taxi driver will leave. Alternatively you can hire a whole taxi or microbus on your own.

By far the least expensive of taxis are the "service" taxis. These allow several people (usually in a microbus) to share the expense both inside the cities and between them.


©1996 Al-Musaafer, L.L.C.
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